new awards for elementary schools

Trendy, New Awards for 2024

We’re always adding trendy new products, and we love the new awards and accessories we’ve recently added! From Wood Pins to iron-on Award Patches to Superhero Pencils, we offer quality and budget-friendly student recognition awards. Elementary school students of all ages will love wearing or using these recognition keepsakes all year long.

Wood Lapel Pin Awards

Lapel Pins are one of the most popular student recognition awards. NEW, eco-friendly Wood Lapel Pins come in four popular award designs that are debossed into the wood. The wooden pins are lightweight, so they won’t weigh down fabrics when worn on student shirts, jackets, hoodies, or hats. And the natural colors of these award pins are not distracting. In other words, these new awards coordinate well with almost any color shirt or jacket. Their rustic charm is perfect for schools looking for simple, yet attractive student recognition awards.

Award Patches

Our Award Patches are a brand new line of products that we are really excited about. These wearable patches have a retro vibe to them that is very trendy. Embroidered patches like these are reminiscent of the 1960s-1980s; they are easy to iron onto almost any fabric. Add them to hats, T-shirts, bags, backpacks, jackets, and more! Patches are a more casual recognition award. Use them for weekly or monthly Attendance Awards, on-the-spot “good job” type awards, or birthday gifts. No matter how they receive these new awards, elementary school students will wear and display them with pride all year long.

Superhero Pencils

Since superheroes are still popular, so our NEW Superhero Pencils will be a big hit with your students. These #2 lead pencils feature a superhero character design AND a little something extra. Each pencil comes with a matching colored eraser cape! Choose the pencil/cape color that matches your school colors and then customize the pencils with your school name. Students will be inspired and gain confidence while using a Superhero Pencil for classwork, group work, or tests. Grades are sure to soar just like a superhero with these new awards.

These are just three exciting new awards we offer. Visit our website at to find many more new products, school supplies, and much more. Browse and shop for both ready-to-ship Stock Products AND Custom Products. Stock up for your elementary school classrooms, school store, award nights, Teacher Appreciation Week, and graduation.